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Monday, July 05, 2004

Concentrating on Indian Budget

Atlast the D-Day has come to deciding the Indian Budget for the politicians on who will eat what amount. I'll suggest declaring the budget outside the parliament because the opposition cannot stage a walk out against it(since already they are outside). I hope two sensible economists PC and MS would make a clean effort.

Also the Railway budget is also going to be presented by none other than Sir. Lallu. I need to follow up with the same because NDTV had asked me to join their live relay with Lallu regarding the budget. This is really going to be tough first Sir.Lallu has to understand what he is going to present,next he should be able to convey what he has understood and finally the tougher part we have to understand him. I hope he doesnt say as a part of cost cutting measure all Rail Engines will be replaced by Bihar Buffaloes since they are environment friendly.


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